PT Akar Rimba Nusantara (ARN) launched a new herbal product called Fitbumin Vilaktin. Before being produced, this drug went through the research stage by the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of North Sumatra.

According to the Director of PT ARN Sutristo, Fitbumin Vilaktin is a herbal medicine that is efficacious in improving the quality of breast milk. This is useful for preventing stunting in children aged 0-6 months.
According to the Director of PT ARN Sutristo, Fitbumin Vilaktin is a herbal medicine that is efficacious in improving the quality of breast milk. This is useful for preventing stunting in children aged 0-6 months.
Breast milk is known to contain various elements that play an important role in infant growth and development. Such as white blood cells, immune substances, enzymes, hormones, and proteins.
While the antibodies in breast milk are useful to increase their immune system. This includes reducing the risk of stunting.
“Exclusive breastfeeding is very important to reduce stunting rates in Indonesia. Toddlers who are not given exclusive breastfeeding have a 4.8 times risk of stunting,” said Sutristo, Monday (30/5/2022).
Until now, cases of babies experiencing stunting are relatively high in Indonesia. Based on data from the Indonesian Ministry of Health, there were 5.33 million children under five who experienced stunting in 2021. This amount is equivalent to 24.4 percent of Indonesian children under five at that time.
Therefore, Sutristo hopes that the presence of Fitbumin Vilaktin will be able to help the government deal with this problem.
“Antibodies in breast milk are able to increase the body’s resistance, and this is very good for preventing stunting,” he said.
Sutristo explained, PT ARN focused on research, development and innovation on pharmaceutical products made from snakehead fish albumin.
Currently, the company is also developing a series of product variants of supplements made from snakehead fish that are not only beneficial for children. But also for pregnant women.
Fitbumin Vilaktin Registered by the Indonesian Food and Drug Authority (BPOM) and Has Halal Certification
Fitbumin Vilaktin itself is a supplement variant that has been registered as a special herbal medicine and is useful for meeting the nutritional needs of breastfeeding mothers. This product has also been registered by the Indonesian Food and Drug Authority (BPOM) as a herbal medicine and has a halal certificate.
According to Sutristo, the research collaboration established by PT ARN with the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of North Sumatra plays a crucial role in dealing with the holistic stunting problem.
Based on data from the Indonesian Ministry of Health, only around 71.58 percent of infants aged 0-5 months will receive exclusive breastfeeding in 2021.
“However, some provinces still have exclusive breastfeeding percentages below the national average,” said Sutristo.
Fitbumin Vilaktin is a herbal medicine or herbal medicine that combines various extracts. Like snakehead fish, katuk leaves, spinach, and seaweed.
Snakehead fish contains high protein albumin. As is known, a breastfeeding mother needs protein to produce breast milk and support the growth of new cells in the baby’s organs, muscles, and brain.
Meanwhile, katuk leaves contain alkaloids and sterols that are useful to help and increase milk production. Katuk leaves can affect levels of the hormone prolactin in the blood.
While spinach contains phytoestrogens which have a positive effect on the smooth production of breast milk and contains folic acid and other nutrients that are important for fetal and infant growth.
Support OHT and OMAI Development
According to Sutristo, Fitbumin Vilatin is an effort to develop herbal products as Standardized Herbal Medicines (OHT).
The point is to support the development of Indonesian Original Modren Drugs (OMAI) or natural and original Indonesian medicines that have been scientifically proven in terms of safety and efficacy.
OMAI consists of Phytopharmaceuticals and OHT, namely natural medicines that have met the standards.
“So, it has met the applicable requirements and the claim is proven pre-clinically,” he said.
Furthermore, Sutristo explained that another goal of developing Fitbumin Vilatin is to minimize dependence on imported medicinal raw materials.
In addition, the launch of Fitbumin Vilaktin also aims to increase the role of OMAI in domestic doctor’s prescriptions. In other words, the product is also part of the company’s commitment to support the Presidential Instruction of the Republic of Indonesia Number 6 of 2016 and the Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia 2020-2024.
Sutristo said the development and creation of high standard quality herbal products in the country is also an effort to realize resilience in the pharmaceutical sector. So, that innovation and support of data sources in the development of OHT and phytopharmaceuticals is very much needed.
“Of course, it will also increase the volume of domestic and export trade that supports regional and national economic development,” concluded Sutristo.
News Source: Sumatra Bisnis